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  1. badbabysitter

    badbabysitter Porno Junky

    Jan 24, 2011
    Under the new guidelines underage stories will now be scrapped

    unless I go back and remodify my stories and turn my 16 year old Charity into an 18 year old Charity

    what a freaking headache
  2. ssalo

    ssalo Porno Junky

    Jan 19, 2010
    Please change the ages and repost them, you've got a good start going for an open to anything series of stories. Look at it on the bright side, the stories will be almost as good, that's sadly not the case for hundreds of really good innocent sibling discovery stories.

    Maybe it'd be better to just change 16 to young or innocent or whatever?
  3. badbabysitter

    badbabysitter Porno Junky

    Jan 24, 2011
    do I continue writing the Charity stories as she is right now 16?

    do I go and re-write them with her being 18?

    am kind of on hold right now..not knowing when the other shoe is going to drop on this stories change thing
  4. tigerrr

    tigerrr Porn Star

    Jul 6, 2010
    Just post your stories somewhere else - leave us the link to get them and we can discuss them here using code words or something...or post the R rated version here and leave a link to the original posted somewhere they don't censor.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
  5. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008
    Just obey the rules, stop posting junk about kids. Sick fuck.
  6. Prurient Purveyer

    Prurient Purveyer Porn Star

    May 13, 2010
    What rules Sunshine?

    There aren't any yet.

    And stop making judgemental comments when you're on an effing Porn Site.

    Sanctimonious pratt.
  7. Birdsong

    Birdsong Newcumer

    Oct 7, 2007
    Well Said.
  8. badbabysitter

    badbabysitter Porno Junky

    Jan 24, 2011

    16 is the youngest I'll go.. bet you werent horny when you were 16, right?

    then again.. you have the same opinion about black people
  9. badbabysitter

    badbabysitter Porno Junky

    Jan 24, 2011

    actually,, there are rules.. or at least will be very soon.. hence the cause of my concern

    and dont mind bacterious, he's a prat and a troll
  10. ssalo

    ssalo Porno Junky

    Jan 19, 2010
    Way TMI-

    I have a vivid memory of being horny when I was 11 and my mom walked in on me. Not a word was ever said but I became much more careful. I suppose that makes me a sex offender and a danger to society.

    If that doesn't count, how about full blown intercourse *gasp* with an experienced 14 year old when I was 16? Her older sister was a momentary witness and drug us to her mom who wasn't happy. I guess I'll probably go to jail and hell soon after for that crime. For sure if I write about it.

    Seriously, I have first hand experience trying to use our legal system to protect a 5 year old girl from her biological father 22 years ago. I spent every penny I had on a lawyer and children's counselor and wasn't even able to get visitation rights limited to supervised. A child had to be six years old in order to testify in court in Calif. then. He was valuable to the construction company he worked for and their lawyers were not concerned about a five year old girl.

    Sorry about the rant, I'm pretty much color blind sexually but I've always believed that Charity should begin at home and we should all have Faith if she's willing. I love your stories, please keep writing them.
  11. Prurient Purveyer

    Prurient Purveyer Porn Star

    May 13, 2010
    My point is that as we write there aren't.

    What we have is someone who tells us he resigned months ago telling us that underage will be removed.

    So as "underaged" hasn't been advised then there are still no rules, just a statement from someone no longer authorized to advise policy that there will be changes.
  12. badbabysitter

    badbabysitter Porno Junky

    Jan 24, 2011
    alrighty.. I guess the consensus is that i'll continue writing Charity as is

    IF in the future it does get deleted, I can merely reframe the stories with her being 18...but that is only if things change

    that also being said, I still havent finished part 4 due to it being on hold till i figured this all out

    I'll get back to work on it..so ..expect part 4 some time between tuesday and thursday to be up on the site

    and keep voting, mother fuckers, lol
  13. jk90us

    jk90us Amateur

    Mar 18, 2009
    I guess that only refers to the forums and not the hundreds of underage stories posted in the Sex Stories section? :confused:
  14. Prurient Purveyer

    Prurient Purveyer Porn Star

    May 13, 2010
    No, the change, when it is defined, will apply to the story site. A complete aboutface on their "we are opposed to censorship of any kind."
  15. Good Boy Gone Bad

    Good Boy Gone Bad Sex Lover Suspended!

    Jan 30, 2011
    The problem here is that in the UK your stories are perfectly fine. The age of consent is 16 so there's no problem...

    I have a slightly different perspective: I have taken the opportunity to re-read my stories and see how and where I can modify them. On the whole, it's not that easy as they were written to cater to a certain market. There is scope, though, to write a similar story with the same plot but with 'legal' characters. It's an interesting challenge!
  16. badbabysitter

    badbabysitter Porno Junky

    Jan 24, 2011
    I just got PM's assaulted by another autor here that goes by the name of williamgeorgefraser who sent me EIGHT pm's attacking me for daring to dislike his story

    is this a common practise here?
  17. Furred Goddess

    Furred Goddess Big Beautiful Bitch

    Jun 27, 2006
    No, he is merely an attention seeking troll.
  18. blacher

    blacher Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Feb 7, 2011
    i dont...
  19. badbabysitter

    badbabysitter Porno Junky

    Jan 24, 2011
    I've been sick as a dog the last few days, tis why there hasn't been any updates.. the pissy attacks on me continue though, lol

    when I'm not so stuffed up and my head is clear, I will get back to it
  20. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014
    I've done a lot of thinking about this.

    I've talked to a few other members, and we're concerned that our work will be expunged at some point. As Nophest advised (if it was really Nophest), all underage content will be removed from the site (assuming anyone has a fucking clue as to precisely what is underage), so we'd better save our stuff now.

    The problem is, some of these stories just don't make any sense if the characters are older. Now the Moral Minority would say, "Good. We don't need your sick *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM* shit on a respectable, decent porn site anyway." That's fine, they have the right to say it, just as I have the right to say that tentacle porn just doesn't do it for me, and I don't like reading about people eating feces.

    But throwing out everything is a shame. There are a lot of sensitive, dramatic, well-written stories on this website that have at least one character who hasn't suddenly, magically, been transformed into a responsible human being by virtue of having aged beyond 17 years and 364 days.

    If the changes come, they come. There's nothing we can do to stop them. It occurs to me that the site's owners have to worry about where the money is and what it does. Spending money defending themselves against CP charges and allegations probably isn't what they want to do, and their revenue stream won't be affected one iota by writers and readers whining or leaving. We don't contribute to the bottom line.

    I had already re-written a few of my :eek: *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM* stories to make them acceptable on other sites where a strict age ban is already being enforced. From here on, I'll make sure that my lovely young ladies all have crow's feet and saggy boobs, and my studly men all need the maximum dose of Viagra.

    Seriously, my plan, and my advice to others, is to keep everyone 18 or older. And make sure everyone is sober. Drunkenness is socially unacceptable. Obviously, there can be no group, lesbian, or gay encounters. Those things are illegal in some places, and repugnant in others. We all know oral sex is dirty, and anal sex is unspeakable. Masturbation is abuse of God's Holy Temple, your body. The goal of sexual contact is procreation, so make sure there are no condoms, vasectomies, tubal ligations, or contraceptive pills, patches, or injections. Wouldn't want to offend the devout Catholics, after all. All men should be circumcised, of course. Millions of devout Muslims and Jews would have a field day with a story about a porn star with an intact foreskin.

    Wait, I've got it!
